Monday, November 14, 2011

You're 6- GO ENLIST!

Our next door neighbor, Joey is a Marine.  He may only be 6 years old, but he is as faithful to the marines as a man who's been in the service for 20+ years.  Not too long ago, he went through a phase where he would only wear camo clothes.  Pants, shirts, even underwear.  He wouldn't even leave the house at times until he had his clothes cleaned.  He is often seen outside hiding behind cars and jumping out at me with a nerf gun.  So it was no surprise to hear that his 6th birthday party would be a Marine themed party.
Welcome to the newest instillation of the Marine Corps... Camp McDaniel.  
Camp McDaniel was Founded in 2005 by General Joseph McDaniel

Camp McDaniel welcomes Marines of all ranks.

  Gunny London Coats is a proud Marine of Camp McDaniel.
Thousands of recruits are born every year just to join forces with the rest of the Marines here.  

As a general rule, General McDaniel enjoys keeping morale up by being silly both in and out of work.  
As a general rule, General McDaniel enjoys keeping morale up by being silly both in and out of work. 

Camp McDaniel is a duty station strives for strong Marines

1st Lt. Dimitri Stepanoff hard at work on the range

The people at Camp McDaniel are clean and organized.
Marines are encouraged to eat a healthy meal at their chow hall.

Enlistment at Camp McDaniel is a fine celebration for all
Marines preparing for combat.

Marines headed to the field with their MREs (M&M's ready to eat)

But hey, Marines don't listen anyway... (look at left officer carefully)

We hope you enjoy your tour here at Camp McDaniel.  Semper Fi.

General Joseph McDaniel

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