When I think of a friday night, I think of pizza, movies, and sleepovers with my best friends. I can't tell you how many of these nights I had in middle school with my two best girlfriends, Jess and Eash. Friday nights always make me think of them, even being so far away. These days, my friday nights consist of dinner followed by bathing Zach and reading him bedtime stories before maybe hanging with some friends before retiring to bed at 10pm. No longer do I stay up all night eating junk food, playing quija board, and talking about boys from school. Instead I get to play with the cutest boy I know and kiss my handsome husband goodnight. It's so much different from those nights with Jess and Eash. But hey, different isn't bad! And my how different my life is today then it was 12 years ago.
This morning started like many other mornings. I woke up with the hubby already out of bed. He has to get up at 6am most days because our dog has an internal breakfast timer that only answers to Dima. Usually, after answering the dog's call, Dima comes back to bed for a few minutes before getting ready for the day. Sometimes though, he will stay downstairs and begin his day. And that's what I had assumed had happened this morning. Turns out I was wrong. Now 8 months pregnant, our bed is becoming very small. My belly gets in the way, and in order to get comfortable I must sleep with a pillow between my legs. I toss and turn often in the night, and am up every hour or so to go to the bathroom. I am also a terrible blanket stealer. It's all gotten pretty bad lately, and my poor hubby is suffering from it all. So this morning when Neko graced him with his morning kisses, Dima headed downstairs and stayed down there with the dog. Can you blame him? I'd do the same thing! Sorry Dima, I really hate being a bed hog!
Dima and Neko this morning. Can you tell the dog loves him? |
The rest of our day continued like most. I had breakfast with Zach then headed out the door to our morning gym date. Today was my volunteer day at the co-op I have Zach in, and I arrived a bit early and didn't have the key. While we waited for someone with one, we headed into the all purpose room gym to release some crazy energy. Most boys would be excited about the basketball court, but not my child. Nope. Zach took it upon himself to clean the dirty floors with the broom he found on the floor. That's my kid.

After our trip to the gym, we headed to the grocery store for our weekly shop. Before our shop though, we decided to hit up the library for some new bed time stories. Zach gets read to every night and we have a very expansive library of books. Sometimes though, mommy and daddy get tired of reading "Barnyard Dance" over and over again. That's when the library is so helpful. For living overseas, our library is pretty decent. Though I look forward to visiting an American library when we move.
Patiently sitting in the big boy chair while Mommy picked out some books! |
And then it was time to re-live my teen years- with a toddler and a husband! We started out with making a homemade pizza together. This was something I was excited to include Zach in. He was able to help put the cheese on the pizza before we threw it in the oven. What little boy doesn't like throwing food ontop of food? And cheese just so happens to be one of Zach's favorite words and foods. So spreading cheese on top of a pizza just seemed right. Of course, like most people, he did steal some bites of cheese in the process!
"Cheez" |
Neko, right at the boys side as always |
this is so much fun! |
Ok, let me eat it! |
Pizza ready for the oven |
Yummy finished pizza |
Like most toddlers, Zach absolutely loves pizza. He had only tried pizza once before this, but I doubt his taste buds remember. Needless to say, he scarfed it down and got just a bit dirty in the process!
Nom, Nom, Nom... |
Will you stop taking my picture? |
After Zach was bathed, clothed, read to, and kissed goodnight, it was time for Mommy and Daddy date night. And what better way to do that then to set up camp downstairs, watch a movie, and sleep downstairs? Just like my old days of sleepovers with Jess and Eash, tonight I was having a slumber party. No facials and quija board tonight. Instead we watched a movie, cuddled, and yes- talked about one boy we both liked- our perfect little son (and dog).
Neko is ready for the slumber party. Can you find him? |
There he is! |
Our bed |
Neko took over. He thinks he's a lap dog |
We spent our date night watching "This Means War" which was a decent movie. Neko spent the entire movie between us, fast asleep with two of his favorite people in the world. Leave it to a lab. They are truly the most loyal but stupid animals I'll ever know. As for sleeping downstairs on the floor, well that was interesting. First, there's the huge dog who insists on sharing the "bed." Then there's the fact that I'm 8 months pregnant. I can't sleep on my stomach, and am not allowed to sleep on my back (sleeping on your back can cut off blood flow to the baby, so it's a big no no). That leaves one position- side sleeping. Sounds easy enough right? WRONG! Sleeping on your side on a floor, no matter how comfortable your husband tries to make it is uncomfortable. I made it to about 1am before getting up and sleeping on the couch for an hour. That was working out just fine until my wonderfully stupid chocolate lab decided that Mommy was his new best friend. Needless to say, I ended up sleeping upstairs in my bed with one very thin blanket. But hey- I tried and made it pretty far for being pregnant right? It's the effort that counts!
Our friday night was so different from those of my teen years. I fully enjoy sharing these moments with my husband and son. I look forward to creating some wonderful friday night memories for my children in the years to come.
Stepanoff Summer Sixty Checkoff:
Make pizza
Downstairs sleepover
Movie night
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