When I was a kid, we had breakfast for dinner once a month. We loved this dinner. We got pancakes, some kind of meat, and sometimes eggs. Breakfast for dinner was fun and off the wall. We looked forward to hearing "breakfast" when we asked mom the age old, "what's for dinner?"
Now married for 3 1/2 years, I realized I have never made us breakfast for dinner like my mom did. Am I crazy? I love breakfast! So I decided it must be done soon. Dima had never had breakfast for dinner and thought it was a crazy idea. So I agreed to make it not too odd for his sake. I even let him chose what we would make. Our friends just had a baby and Ashley has a great cooking blog where she often talks about her love for breakfast- especially breakfast for dinner! I remember really appreciating when people would invite us for dinner after Z was born (no dishes) so we told them to come on over and enjoy some "brinner" with us!
Because Dima thought this was such a weird idea, he went to looking online for a neat recipe for me to make. As a man who loves his pizza- he was immediately drawn to the breakfast pizza recipe on Ashley's
blog. I decided a breakfast pizza was just the way to go, but I changed it up a bit. I love spinach and feta with eggs, so I decided on a spinach and feta pizza and a ham and cheese one for Dima's liking. I also decided to scramble the eggs before pouring them onto the ham and cheese one because that's how I prefer it. I will do that to both of them next time. The whole thing was very easy and I used my bread maker to make a HUGE batch of dough big enough for both pizzas. Ashley brought over an equally tasty
french toast casserole from her blog. Unfortunately I forgot to take photos of everything, but did take a photo of our leftover pizza that we had in the morning! I don't think I convinced Dima into loving breakfast for dinner yet, but there will be lots of time for that!

On Saturday morning, Mommy had a lot of errands to run. Instead of dragging a toddler along, Dima decided he would take him to the park. And my what a fun time they had! This was the first time Dima has returned to a Japanese park after his accident in September, but he was ready to give it another go. Zach was quite fearless at the park- going head first down the slides and enjoying every minute of fun.
He's signing "leaf" here. |
Dad hurry up! |
Head first |
Gotta do that again! |
Roller slide. Dima decided this one didn't look too threatening and gave it a shot. |
Our afternoon consisted of naptime followed by play time in the back. Dima was finally able to watch Zach belly flop into his baby pool! This kid is all boy. He's seriously a little fish!
Love this shot! |
Neko is babysitting |
Love the sprinkler! |
After Zach went to bed, We lit the fire pit and invited the neighbors over for a bon fire. Unfortunately we forgot the smores, but in any case we had our bon fire with friends. And at 8pm the fireworks started right in front of our home! What a beautiful fireworks show we saw too! We went to this show a few years ago and it was fantastic. Not to mention it's right outside our house.
All the neighbors ready for some fireworks! |
We had a great weekend full of fun! We even got a few things done in baby Step #2's room! Just about 8 weeks or less until our lives change once again.
Stepanoff Summer Sixty Checkoff:
Breakfast for Dinner
Bon fire
You should try cutting a banana with the peel still on, then put bits of chocolate and mini marshmallows inside. Wrap it in aluminum foil and bake then or heat them in a fire. Heat them up and everything melts together. Open it up and use a fork to enjoy the goodness!
ReplyDeleteNatasha suggested it and we made it while in camp. It was delicious!