So we met at Kadena at 8:30am to meet up with the bus and rest of the group going with us. We loaded the bus with snacks and plenty of water. We got to this place where there were a bunch of pink bikes outside lined up. Yes, they were pink!
These were not regular bikes. As you can see... they look kind of like cruiser bikes. But they are electric. They work like a regular bike, but when you have the power turned on, the bike gives you an extra push when you pedal. It was cool, especially for a pregnant girl like me! It was close to 95 degrees, i don't have many clothes that fit so was wearing jeans, and you get hotter when you're pregnant. So that extra push now and again was nice!
We rode along the beach pretty much the entire time. As you can see, it was a beautiful September day out!
After that we went to this landing site for this japanese medical copter. It was so tiny, but leave it to the japanese to find ways to fit everything inside!
We then went riding along the beach more... what a beautiful site! Along this path we passed these beautiful chapels. I remember seeing thse online before. They are all glass in the back overlooking the ocean! So beautiful! I would be at church everyday if all chapels looked like this!

We then road along more and got to a place where we could take a break. We decided we wanted to explore this lighthouse nearby. It was so pretty. There were rock cliffs all over and lots of guys fishing off the sides. i even saw someone catch something. It was so pretty.
We then went back to our meeting place... and like most things okinawa, found a random assortment of things there. There was a small petting zoo. Here is Kelly and a baby goat.
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