We went to this coffee and tea shop here, since Natalie is from Scotland it was very fitting! We had the entire upstairs of the place which was nice because there was a good group of us. We had a little menu of things to order, I got the cinnamon toast which was wonderful! Baby Stepanoff really enjoyed it!
We played baby shower games, of course! We did a quiz with questions about Natalie's mom's pregnancy and about Natalie growing up. It was a really cute idea. After that, we played the guess the size of the belly game, I guessed wayyy too big, whoops! Sorry, Natalie! We also played a game where we had to make a diaper out of toilet paper for one member of our team. Ours looked the most realistic, but it wasn't very thick. The toilet paper we used was REALLY bad and kept tearing. Oh well. Here is a photo of Maggie, the girl from our group who we dressed up! She could barely breathe without breaking it!

Natalie got to open her presents, and got some really adorable things! Lots of cute onesies, bath accessories, diaper accessories, toys, books and other great baby stuff.
Here is the diaper cakes that were made for her. two of them are sushi diaper cakes... one had baby socks and stuff in it and the other just diapers. The other diaper cake is a typical diaper cake which is beautiful!
After that we all parted and I came home to an email from the hubby (yay!!!) asking me to send photos of myself and the dog. I hadn't taken my 21 week photo yet, so Courtney took a photo of me and my Banana. This week the baby is the length of a large banana from head to butt. That is about 7 inches. The banana in this picture is very small, but that's ok. As you can see, Ive gotten much bigger and FINALLY look pregnant! The first thing a friend said to me today when she saw me was, "Whoaa! you finally look pregnant! I just saw you 2 days ago and you didn't look like that!" It's funny how fast babies grow. I'm glad I look pregnant now and not like i just gained a ton of weight.

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