Monday, December 31, 2012

New year- New Steps!

What a year we've had!  As we entered 2013, I sat back and reflected on the year behind us.  I am very proud of what we have accomplished this year.  2012 has really been the best year of my life so far.  We have all accomplished so much both individually and as a family.  As the blog name suggests- we are taking big steps together.  But reflecting on the year behind me has made me realize that in 2012 we took GIANT steps!  Let's review:

We learned we were pregnant 
Zach had his first birthday (I'd call that an accomplishment for everyone for making it through the difficult first year!)
Krimp made it through a very hard 3 months of the the first trimester
Dima began his MBA
Dima spent 2 months in Korea
Dima was promoted
We went on a wonderful trip to Tokyo
Krimp graduated
Zach crossed more milestones then we can even name
Krimp ran a 5k while 8 months pregnant
We paid off a LOT of debt (so close!)
Dima completed multiple jobs at work
Dima was career designated
Elijah was born

Though I am positive that we are all individually responsible for our accomplishments, I cannot help but take the time to quickly point out that we did have some help here.  At the beginning of the year, I read a book called, "Push" by Chaleane Johnson.  The book was all about setting goals (not resolutions!) and sticking to them.  It pointed out that you should set forth 10 goals and strive each week to accomplish them.  Not just little goals like "I will lose weight" or something like that.  Something MEASURABLE.  She also pointed out that you should not look at them as something that could be possible, but as something that WILL happen.  So instead of a goal like, "I will lose weight."  One would say, "In January 2012 I weigh xxx lbs."  This way there's no if's and's or but's!  

So in Feb of 2012 I wrote my goals down.  I included all aspects of my life.  And here I sit, proud to say that 80% of them were accomplished.  The other 20%?  Well, let's just say that having another baby and Marine life got in the way.  Alas, 2013 will be my year for those goals!  

As we approach 2013 I am ready to share my new goals for this year.   I want to point out that by posting in a public manner, as I am today, is means of encouragement!  It helps motivate a person to accomplish all that they say.  Knowing that others are aware of your goals will help you keep motivated to accomplish them.  Nobody wants to be a failure.  It's also a way for others to understand why you may be skipping out on certain things.  I really encourage everyone to write down and share their goals, even with just one individual.

In January 2014 I will:

Have run a half marathon
Have finally gone on a very belated honeymoon with my husband
Have volunteered 3 times
Have gone on one family vacation
Made 5 new friends
Have potty trained Zach
Nursed Eli for at least 10 months
Be back to my pre Zach weigh in September (probably sooner!)
Paid off all college debt 8 years early
Enrolled Zach in preschool OR begun homeschooling him (Montessori method)

What a year we have ahead of us!  I greatly look forward to many of the things on that list.  I especially look forward to honeymooning with my husband.  Thanks to military life, we have waited 4 years now for a honeymoon and I cannot wait to finally get the honeymoon we've been waiting for.  Where that will be to is still in the works, as we still don't know what coast we will be living on at the time.  (Will we ever get orders?!)

We have a big year ahead of us.  I hope you all enjoy watching us unravel what 2013 has for us.  For now, BRING IT 2013!

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