Tuesday, January 17, 2012

baby friendly banana bread muffins

This week, out of nowhere, I have adopted a new son.  My sweet, bald, little boy has been replaced by a stubborn, but still bald, mischievous little man. No longer will my boy allow Mama or Dada to spoon feed him.  Oh no, he will try to grab that spoon from our hands and get food all over the place.  He will fuss and turn his head every time that spoon of whatever yumminess comes toward that little mouth.  What a little booger I now have.  I believe I will be inventing the term "stubborn 1's" for the next year of his life.
He will eat finger food (and of course throw some on the floor for the dog to eat) every morning and evening.  But heaven forbid a spoon comes out.  So lately, I have been trying to give him any kind of finger food so he will at least eat something!  I have been giving him pieces of tofu coated with infant cereal, and have been racking my brain for other alternatives to cheerios at breakfast.
Zach loves bananas, so I thought banana bread would be a great breakfast food for this picky little man.  Unfortunately, I racked the internet for days searching for a wheat free egg free recipe, but found very little.  I figured this was ok, as wheat is fine in moderation for little ones.  I started searching for vegan recipes, since they didn't contain any eggs.  After some searching, I found the perfect recipe for moist, banana bread muffins, perfect for a certain stubborn bald boy over at The Clean Eating Mama.  I found the recipe to be exactly what I was looking for, and went to baking.  They came out perfect, the only issue I had, was they came out a bit sweeter then I was comfortable with feeding an infant.  Next time I will decrease the sugar a bit, but not too much.

Here's the recipe:

  • 3 ripe bananas
  • 1/4 cup olive oil oil OR 1/4 vegan butter like Earth Balance
  • 1/2 cup organic raw sugar 
  • 1/2 cup organic brown sugar
  • 1 cup unbleached organic white flour and 1 cup organic whole wheat    flour
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1 tsp baking soda
  • 1 tablespoon cinnamon
  • 1 teaspoon ground nutmeg
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground ginger
Preheat oven to 360 degrees 
Cream oil with sugars. In a separate bowl mash bananas with a fork. Add bananas to oil and sugar and mix well. 
Now add the dry ingredients to the wet, making sure to scrape the sides and mix well. 
Spray cooking spray in a muffin tin and add dollops of batter into each slot – 3/4 of the way full. 
Bake for 25 minutes. 
Makes 12 muffins. 

This recipe was perfect for both babies and adults alike!  

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