Wednesday, July 31, 2013

July Photo Roundup

For all the photos that had no other place!  

Our Garden has been doing great!

N Step started drinking and driving

I went to my best friend Jes's house.  She has a Newfoundland.  She weights more then me. She's huge, but is the biggest gentle giant.  Sitting she was up to my neck.

Z Step was so crazy in the pool.  He didn't seem to get the fact that it was deep.  He didn't end up wearing any of this.

The pool had a great slide!

Our stuff arrived from Okinawa!  

The boys started driving.  Clearly Z Step is a bad driver by the look on E Step's face

So many toys arrived.  The boys "unpacked"

Mommy and Daddy Step unpacked while drinking a bottle of Okinawian pineapple wine

Z Step started drinking... 

Mommy Step's new running shoes.  Been breaking them in

Mommy's been running with the boys to this playground near our house

Coloring with Mommy

Celebrated our annual Christmas in July with a jello sensory bin!

N Step became a photobomber.  Z Step became a fireman

Daddy Step was away for the week and mommy had a long week.  This wine was much needed

Mommy and Z Step made homemade organic whole wheat "Goldfish" crackers.  We didn't have fish cookie cutters so used these letters.  

Z Step got Ice Cream from the Ice Cream truck!

Neko continued to be a pillow

Uncle Ric and Mommy went to the winery for a tasting
Z Step got to play in a fort inside

Our christmas jello sensory bin

He hadn't realized it was edible yet

We had s'mores at camp

Daddy's head shrunk

Found these chairs at a local thrift shop.  They match our table great.  Going to re-finish them

Z Step and his spiderman ice cream

Daddy Step got a random bug

Z Step got to have a cheerio necklace

This arrived from Japan.  There is a story behind it.

Mommy's been organizing like crazy!

Neko continues to drink.  

Daddy and Uncle Ric went to the brewery

Having fun in the jell-o

E Step watching the christmas excitement 

Finally realized you could eat it!

And so at the end of the month we have some things to cross off our Sixty Steps of Summer Fun:
Edible Jewelry 
Story time x4
Read Goodnight Gorilla
New Park x3
Children's museum
Read Llama Llama Red Pajama
Game Night
Donate to thrift shop
Ready Babysitter for Billy Bear
Read 10 Minutes until Bedtime
Jello Bin

Lots more to do!

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Elijah 365 Part 45

What a week we've had.  Daddy Step was away for work this week in North Carolina so my hands were quite full.  E Step is still very clingy to me and wants to be constantly held.  Big brother is on a nap strike so I'm exhausted.  I need a vacation!  We made the best of our time though, and spent a lot of time running, at story time, and at the playground.  E Step seems to love going to story time and watching everyone sing and dance and play music.  We will be returning very soon.  
Day 318- July 22. Being fed by big brother

Day 319- July 23.  At the park!

Day 320- July 24.  Piggy boy begging for more!

Day 321- July 25.  Celebrating Christmas in July outside with brother

Day 322- July 26.  Yes that's a heart stamp on his head.  We were having craft time

Day 323- July 27.  He never slept in a swing before and of course fell asleep in this one at the gym!

Day 324- July 28.  Ready for bedtime!  

Thursday, July 25, 2013

A Successful D.C. Trip!

After the last failed DC trip, we decided to give it another go.  We don't know how long we will be in this area, and my brother hadn't been in years.  So we hit the road without any kind of milk or dairy products in Z Step's belly.  
It turned out to be a very successful trip.  We got to walk around the sites and go to the Air and Space Museum.  It's always been one of Daddy Step's favorites.  Z Step enjoyed seeing the planes and "Wockets."  After awhile Z Step turned into the snickers guy and we had to dart outside to have a picnic on the National Mall.  Clearly E Step had fun too!

Daddy Step and EZ

Some of the sites from Air and Space

Both boys loved this
E Step eating handfuls of hummus
After our tummies were full, we hit the streets to see more sites.  It was very hot out but we walked around and saw the World War II Memorial which had a beautiful fountain that everyone was cooling off in.  We briefly walked by Vietnam, and passed the Lincoln Memorial before hitting the road to go home.  

For Uncle Ricky's last day we had a nice dinner and story time.  Thanks for coming Uncle Ricky!  Z Step loves you!