Sunday, February 24, 2013

Elijah 365- Part 23

As you can see by my delayed posts lately, we've been quite busy.  I hardly get more then 10 minutes a day to sit down, let alone post photos of Eli.  Don't worry, I've continued to take the photos for you all.  But my posts are probably going to be a bit more delayed as the months go by.  Sorry... but heck that's life with two little ones. 
Eli is continuing to steal my heart.  He is constantly smiling and laughing.  He's very interested in grabbing lately.  In fact, he grabs me so much that I constantly have bruises from skin he's pulled.  It's quite painful.  Just the other day a friend pointed out a big mark on my cheek.  Thank you Eli for pulling mommy's cheek!  He just gets so excited to see me that he just wants to bring me closer.  And yes, he remains a Mommy's boy!  Of course, Daddy is never home to begin with, so it's me or the dog and I'm better trained.  (I think) 
He's also drooling quite a bit.  I wonder when his first tooth is going to come in.  Brother's first tooth came in at 8 months.  I wonder if his will come around the same time.  As they say, every baby is different so who knows!
Day 163- Feb 18.  Hanging out with one of his girlfriends, Pearl.

Day 164- Feb 19.  He is obsessed with his exersaucer!

Day 165- Feb 20- Innocent face.  Mommy will you hold me?
Day 166- Feb 21.  Tubby time fun!
Day 167- Feb 22.  Smiley boy!

Day 168- Feb 23.  Running with Mommy
Day 169- Feb 24.  Went on a run with Mommy and Daddy to the beach!

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Elijah 365- part 22

Things around the Stepanoff house have begun getting fun.  Eli has fallen into a fairly regular routine, and is really interested in the world around him now.  He is definitely a Mama's boy, as his face lights up whenever I walk into the room.  Big brother was a Daddy's boy, so I'm quite excited about this.  He absolutely loves watching his big brother, who really likes showing him his toys.  Eli even gets help from his brother, who is constantly cleaning up after he spits up.  He's so loved already.  
Here are our photos from this week!  It was a dreary week, but we did have some great weather in there and took full advantage!  
Day 156- Feb 11.  Hanging in his new Exersaucer

Day 157- Feb 12.  Getting some loving from Daddy before he left for work

Day 158- Feb 13.  Big brother was showing him the froggy toy!

Day 159- Feb 14.  My two valentines were ready for a walk to the park!

Day 160- Feb 15.  Zach was showing Eli all the belly buttons in Mommy's fitness magazine!

Day 161- Feb 16.  Sleepy boy fell asleep on the run on the way to the stairway to heaven (a huge flight of outdoor stairs Mommy & Daddy climbed)

Day 162- Feb 17.  Smiley happy boy outside on a beautiful afternoon!

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Stairway to "heaven"

One of the reasons we've been so busy lately is because the weather has been somewhat nice.  With that nice weather comes more outdoor workouts!  As you know I set forth a few goals for this year a few months ago.  One of those goals was to run the Disney princess half marathon.  I was running 8+ miles before becoming pregnant with Eli.  During my pregnancy, I continued to run, but toned it down a bit.  I was consistent with my workout routine during the entire pregnancy, even with the odd looks I got at the gym.  
Once Eli was born, I was asked to wait 6 weeks after the surgery to begin working out.  I waited that time, and then set forth to run again.  I hit the pavement and seemed to be doing OK.  I don't know if I eventually overexerted myself, or if my hormones went all whack while nursing, but one day I developed some severe pain on the outside of my right knee.  I couldn't even go a mile anymore without some intense pain.  I took it as a sign to slow down and focus on some strength training instead.  
I've been hitting the weights pretty hard both at home (we have the bowflex select-techs!) and at the gym.  But this weekend we decided to finally head to the famous "Stairway to Heaven" we had heard so much about.  I would like to start by saying that I will no longer refer to them as the stairway to heaven.  They are now the stairway to hell in my book!  
I brought some weights with me to encourage me to work other parts of my body out too.  We went up the stairs once, then down in intervals.  At the bottom, we lifted weights.  Shoulder presses, push-ups, squats, and deadlifts.  Then Dima put Zach on his shoulders and went up again, while I held dumbells and lunged it the entire way up.  I was great going up.  No problems there.  On the way down, I stopped at every flight and did shoulder rows, Arnold presses, squats, deadlifts, and shoulder flys.  It was great... until half way down when my knee began hurting again!  It had been the first time in weeks, so I took it as a sign to stop while I was at it.  
It was a beautiful view on our workout and I cannot wait to do it again.  I just hope that I can figure out what is going on with this knee so I can continue my active lifestyle! 

My friend Whitney and I beefing it up!

Zach keeps busy with his body building.  Here he is showing Eli all the belly buttons in mommy's fitness magazine!

The boys ran to the stairs with Daddy.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Elijah 365- Part 21

Eli is growing up so fast these days.  This week has really shown me that.  I am happy to report that things are starting to get a bit easier.  Zach plays with his little brother now, and Eli even likes playing with toys now!  I cannot wait for them to play together in a few years!  Zach is already such a great big brother to Eli, and Eli loves him so much.  Just this week, Zach was playing peek a boo with him!  And Eli just laughed up a storm!  They've stolen my heart, and I know there's no chances of getting it back now! 
Day 149- Feb 4.  Super Bowl monday!  Eli couldn't pick one team, so he wore them all!

Day 150- Feb 5.  Ready for bed in his christmas PJ's.  Yes we continue the christmas tradition long after the holiday!

Day 151- Feb 6.  Hanging out with his giraffe, Sophie!

Day 152- Feb 7.  Daddy made it home from Korea! 

Day 153- Feb 8.  Ready for bed.  Night Daddy and Neko!
Day 154- Feb 9.  Hanging out with Daddy!
Day 155- Feb 10.  Went to see the sunflowers!

Sunflower festival

I have always loved sunflowers.  I remember as a kid, we had a bunch that would sprout in the late summers that my mom had planted.  They were so big and beautiful.  Here in Okinawa, we instead get sunflowers in February, thanks to the climate change.  And just as back in Connecticut, these sunflowers are equally beautiful.
I thought that last year would be my final year at the sunflower festival.  But of course, we are still here in Okinawa.  I am thankful for this time in some aspects, and this is a great example of that. 
Our new neighbors, Sean and Whitney joined us to see the sunflowers.  Sunflowers just happened to be what they had in their wedding, so they were very excited to see them. 
As always, they looked amazing.  What really bummed me out though is that they didn't sell any sunflowers!  There were no sunflower seeds, no sunflower butter, nothing associated to the flowers.  Instead they sold cabbage, celery, and a few other veggies.  I still haven't figured this out.  But in any case, we enjoyed the day there. 

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Random happenings around the house

I realize I've been really slacking in my postings lately.  That is because I truly have been very busy. I cannot believe how busy these two boys keep me.  Zach has been really helping us around the house lately, he just loves being a big boy.  He's constantly wanting to help me "coke" (cook) in the kitchen.  I love having him help me, because it's really teaching him a lot already.  He's been really interested in the foods I prepare, and in counting while I put things together.  He's really observant, and is always begging to stir or pour things into bowls.  I love my little helper!  
He's also been keeping busy playing outside.  We try to get out of the house as much as possible, which proves difficult due to Eli.  We got outside a few times to color with chalk and ride on his tricycle.  He was sporting a famous "somebody loves me from..." shirt today and boy did he look adorable.  It helps that Mommy and Daddy came from that little town.
We also threw our annual super bowl breakfast party.  Thanks to the time change, our super bowl is on a Monday morning.  This has been our 4th super bowl morning in Okinawa, and I like the tradition so much that I will continue to keep it going even if we move someday.  
What was really special about this year though was that for the first time in YEARS Mommy's team was playing!  Yes, the 49ers are my favorite team.  Always have been, always will be.  So we set up a waffle bar and a yogurt bar with all the fixings.  Who doesn't love breakfast?  I know it's my favorite meal of the day (and the most important!) so having our waffle/yogurt bars made it special to me.  
Unfortunately, on very short notice, Dima was sent to Korea for work.  We didn't get to celebrate the super bowl together.  This happened last year too.  But in any case, we still had fun.  And even though the niners lost, I am proud to say that they at least made it to the superbowl after all these years.  
Yes, those are niners flags on the waffles!

Some of the fixings- dark chocolate, raisins, peanut butter chips, chocolate, vanilla granola, fruit granola, berries, strawberries, and bananas!  Yum!

It's truly been a crazy few weeks here, but we're having so much fun! 

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Elijah 365- part 20

Another week of Eli's first year has passed.  And boy do these days go fast!  Eli is growing like crazy, as we learned at his 4 month checkup this week.  
Eli is bigger then his brother was, but still a bit smaller then I'd like.  He is in the 48% for weight and the 38% for height.  The doctor is not too concerned, as he's very proportional, and seeing as how small Mommy is, she was not too surprised.  I am continuing to nurse him (big props from the doctor on that one) and will not be introducing solid foods to him until he is at least 6 months old.  Eli got a perfect bill of health, and the doctor even mentioned that he's crossing milestones rather quickly for his age.  He is already rolling over both ways, and can even hold toys in his hands now.  She was very impressed with his upper body strength, and mentioned that hey may be sitting up earlier the normal.  Looking at his chubby frame, I'm confused on that one!  He got shots at this appointment, and of course cried afterwards.  He was great after Mommy held him though.  And I was happy to see that he didn't develop any fever or any other symptoms associated with them.  
We've kept busy around the house, and continue to get out for walks to the park as much as possible.  Eli loves observing his surroundings and of course his big brother, Zach.  When we're on walks, he's constantly looking around at his surroundings outside of the stroller.  At home, Zach is keeping him busy by giving lots of kisses!  I hope these kisses continue as time goes on!
Day 142- Jan 28.  15 pounds, 9 oz at his 4 month checkup!

Day 143- Jan 29.  He's "Wild About Mommy"

Day 144- Jan 30.  Getting hugs from his big brother.  I didn't even ask him to do this.  Zach just walked up and kissed him and gave this hug to him. 

Day 145- Jan 31.  Ready for a walk to the park!

Day 146- Feb 1.  Getting kisses from big brother in the morning!

Day 147- Feb 2.  Playing with his keys!

Day 148- Feb 3. Tubby Time with Mommy!