On our way down, we spotted a store called Yamada, which I had read about on okinawahai.com. It is sort of like a best buy, but far better and more fun! This store had EVERYTHING on display! Seriously, everything! Dima was amazed by their flat screen LED tv's and is convinced to buy one for us soon. He spent lots of time looking at them all! I was happy just browsing around, looking at random things. I found some really neat alarm clocks and stereos, and even was able to play with hair dryers to see how loud and hot they got! They had these massage chairs out for display, and the japanese men seemed to LOVE them! Here is the Mr. playing with one, look at the guy next to him!
After Yamada, we continued down rt. 58 towards Naha and finally found a bike store. This was a small little bike shop with some amazing road bikes. Dima found a beautiful bike he really wanted, but when we asked the price, we were told it cost 550000 yen, which is the equivalent of over 5,500 dollars! I told him to keep dreaming, we can buy me a car with that!! (Though I must admit, it was a beautiful italian bike that must have weighed about 2 pounds!) We were given their card, because their English wasn't too good, and we plan on going to their main store to look for something within our budget!
We then made it to the diner I have been so excited to eat at since we arrived on island: The treehouse diner. It's actually called the Naha harbor diner, but because it is in a tree, it is called the treehouse diner by us Okinawahai lovers. There were stairs up into the top of the tree, but we decided to take the elevator (how many people have taken an elevator inside a tree before?).
We were seated at a table overlooking the harbor, and the tables were all secluded from one another for privacy. Their menu was pretty good, lots of unique Japanese dishes. We both decided it was such a cool place, we must order alcohol as well. I ordered the wine of the day, not knowing what it was, and dima ordered an Orion beer from the tap. When the server returned, he returned with a glass of red wine for me (below) and a glass of orange juice for Dima. His english wasn't too good, he thought he asked for oj not orion. He brought it back and got dima his orion.

We first ordered an appetizer, wasabi pizza! It was fantastic!
We also were both given this amazing clam chowder soup. It was very different from in the states. It was not creamy like we were used to. Much healthier! We also were given teeny tiny salads, which were different from most japanese salads here. The dressing was more a vinaigrette then any other japanese dressings usually are. It was good of course.
Next came our main courses, for me, it was veggies and seafood. For dima, duck.
We then headed out of the restaurant, and I had to use the restroom. I made it inside and saw this confusing looking potty. There were so many buttons on it I didn't know where to start. It was self cleaning, and had numerous buttons I didn't know what for. I finally sat to do my business and realized that the seat was heated! How cool is that? I had heard rumors of heated pottys, but this was my first experience using one.

We were both happy with our meals, and left the restaurant. We were close to Kokasi street, where I had gone the night before with a friend, so we decided to venture over there. Kokasi street is very similar to chinatown in NYC. They have lots of vendors there with random things. Lots of it are touristy souviners, but there were some pretty cool stuff as well. When I went the night before, I bought a really cute dress and wrap to match.
Unfortunately, we only had enough yen after our meal for just an hour of parking at Kokasi street, so we parked our car and walked for a little, and made it over to yogurtland for some ice cream... as you can tell, dima was thrilled! It was a fun night!